
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Say it is true with Red

Christmas Red Cheer Tree

Magic is knowledge, and Red can fuel it's vital force.  It REVS up your doing motions.
Red, can be used on the day's or nights that you need to make sure you get something done. It is a great color to end procrastination, and do things with a statement. You can get inspired through many colors, But Red is best used when you have a set plan. Use your Sun yellow Cheer Tree to gain confidence, and replace it with red, to help carry out your ideas. Give a Red Cheer tree, to say I love you, and I mean it. The Christmas Red Cheer Tree, will not let you down. The color, is well known for instantly uniting feelings, and providing motivation to these feelings. Be aware of Red's ability to inspire sexual energy, and be ready to address these drives. If it's wrong place and wrong time, quickly change the mood to BEBE BLUE CHEER TREE, near some light Green color, and the setting will cool.
Red, is the Root Chakra, and can be used for grounding, understanding survival instincts, and strengthening vitality, money and karma in one's life.
Of course, Christmas red Cheer tree,  gained fame this Christmas, but for those who know the Cheer Tree Meanings... it's always Christmas in the heart!


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

power and control

It can denote mystery, but it is a color of power.
Black implies self-control and discipline, is this your night for independence and a strong will? Are you in need of giving an impression of authority and power?
Then grab your Mystic black cheer tree, and Hug! display it where you will be ...
and let the color give you some power and control.
Carry the Mystic Black Cheer Tree with you to protect you from harm and negativity when traveling or when going about your usual daily activities outside your home.

P.S. Black implies self-control and discipline, so keep your focus!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Like Away

Crafting with the LOA

When you like something, this is nothing more than the Law of Attraction.
No one lives beyond this Law. It is an unquestionable law of the universe. It's not religion, and it's different then science. It can be argued it's mathematics, but it's not. Maybe it's music? close,
but it's simply real truth.
When you like something created by others,
it effects cells, emotions and energy in your body.
You liked it, because it said something to you, or maybe it made you smile. Whatever it did, you acknowledge it, and this is a great way to get connected with your mastery of the LOA. You are witnessing the Like attracts like process, and more then LIKELY, people are liking you back. This is the invisible energy, that you should learn to be a part of. The energy that is the very part of The law of Attraction. You may never physically meet that person whom craft's you admired, but you exercised a connection that dose not need to be physical, and exercise leads to better health and all kinds of positive outcomes. EXERCISE YOUR LIKE!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Personal action your craft!

ACT, and you become part of the movie.

Start acting as if you are in complete control of your success on-line.

You don't have to feel like doing it, but once you start doing it . . .
eventually you'll start feeling like it.

Do not focus on your feelings -- focus on your actions.
Your feelings are already expressed in your craft.
When you start acting a certain way, your feelings will change and your felling for selling your craft, will soon match the one's when making your craft,
and that's the idea to attach yourself to the Law of Attraction.


Personal action your craft!
Start acting energized. start making favorites, join teams and even re-do your sight on Esty.

This way your action, not only precedes the feeling but actually produces the feeling.

DON'T DENY IT, You work directly in this universe and it works directly for you.

Friday, March 8, 2013

The LOA, works all the time every second on Etsy

With our thoughts, we make our world."  This is part of the LOA.
That means that crafting, is an extension of our thoughts, and what makes it even more powerful, is that we apply emotion, and that is vibration, and vibrations are signals. Signals, that have the potential to manifest your desires for success through your thoughts.(Your Craft)
What I am noticing, is many are not giving enough energy to their craft, after it is made. They may think they are, but they are not. We manifest our desires by what we concentrate on all day. Are you concentrating on your craft all day? Are you following the Laws of Attraction, after you do step 1?
We know step one is to create, and form your emotions within your craft. But this is where many stop. Some say it's because they don't feel others will connect to the craft. Others say they don't feel confident, and even more say that don't know how to list on Etsy, or market their craft. This is using the Law of Attraction, right there! You made something and you sent the signal to the world, but your signal was those thoughts of defeat. You just used the LOA, for NOT HAVING SUCCESS!

In any science of being great or using cosmic laws, you will be taught that in this world, there is no discrimination. There is no judging, and there are no limits.
By not developing and listing your craft, (Even if you have only the slightest desire) is leaving an energy, un-managed, to work with the LOA.


The LOA, works all the time every second, even for those who say they don't believe.
If you are sending emotional messages of any kind, you are going to get a response of exactly what you sent. Sure, some can say they only craft for hobby, or it just makes them feel good, and this is fine. But the minute you decide to embark on showing your creation to the world, you enter a world of these powerful energy laws.
You can never stop seeing your desire. If your desire is part-time, with part-time sales, then make sure you express that. Never "wait to get lucky," or put something on with hope.
Write about your craft, and tell the world what it does and what it means. Never fell like the small guy. There are many power sellers on Etsy, and it's easy to get intimidated. But all these powerhouse's started with a vision, and you should love, the fact that they are succeeding, not feel overwhelmed.  You should join with these gifted people, and share on their wave.
They are exercising the Law of Attraction, whether they know or not, and I am sure most know.
There is an endless amount of opportunity to grab your share, you just have to KNOW,
KNOW THAT YOU ARE ENTITLED TO THE SAME RESULTS AS THEM, and they are entitled to even more success. Give that feeling, want that feeling and live that feeling. Give the big YOU GO! to everyone, and keep your visions in the center of that, and you will be on the LOA, for what you should be... SUCCESS!

Creating, is a force

The idea of success for most people, is money, property or possessions.
What is so magical in those who make crafts, is that this is not true. Of course, everybody wants riches from their hard work, but crafters are a special breed. Crafter's, are creators, and all the secrets to success lay in creation. Creating, is a force that is best used when you are making something you love or feel inspired to do. Crafters, naturally inherit this magic, and already set a table of success, that could take years for others to understand. Your creations of craft, contain instant potential, and this is what most of us love about putting our crafts on Etsy, or other platforms. We love the knowing, that while we go about our day, others are being influenced by our expression.  Even if we are not getting sales, we are in the mix. Being in this mix of creativity brings an energy to our life that many have searched for in their life.
People love their crafts, and they love what others have made. Some of us may not notice that this is an amazing power to be part of. This power is the exact steps necessary to achieve maximum results with the Law of Attraction, getting "rich" and what most achievement seminars would teach.
In order to gain the rewards of success, wealth or acknowledgment, one would need to first scream out..."HERE I AM WORLD, AND THIS IS WHO I AM!"  And what better way to do then then through your craft!

written by Mike Long

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Improve the flow of LOA

Improving the flow-

One amazing teaching of the LOA, regarding sales and money, is learning to use the small stuff. When we are not applying the LOA, we are letting this small, but powerful opportunities to grab the flow- pass us by. One of my personal favorites of the LOA, is simply looking for improvement.
The slightest improvements are EFFECTS.
(Effects are emotions, and emotion speeds the Law of Attraction) 
This is what I call... TREMORS OF SUCCESS. The tiniest improvements are the cracks in the armor of negativity. They are waves to ride and always worth your notice. In fact, you should be making daily affirmation lists to read weekly. At the end of each week, you will notice an upward climb, because everyday you are showing yourself the facts of success.
If you get one favorite, or one follow... Cheer about it! If you get one sale or 100, let the feeling of both be equal. This is the secret! And by doing so, you are training yourself to harvest a vortex of amazing energy, a thought process of success, and the harvest, of the good feelings about your craft, that you have been looking for. It may sound silly to think that 1 sale can feel like 100, but if you are the master, of training your mind to respond equal, it won't be funny when that feeling begins to carry over in all that you do in life, IT WILL BE AMAZING! 
And once you obtain this felling on a majority bases, you will never want to go back to the living for the "Big sale." Because when you are giving your energy in "hopes" of these big sales, you are missing the whole point of why you craft in the first place!
You craft, for that one sale!
The sale from a person, who was inspired, and felt the expression that you originally wanted to give. REMEMBER?

More LOA on Etsy

The Law of Attraction states: I attract to myself, whatever I give my focus, attention, or energy to; whether wanted or unwanted. If you think about being broke, poor, lonely and believe your thoughts guess what? That is exactly what you'll be. This Law applies to your life and every other person's life on the planet. Like all laws, it is impartial and impersonal, which means it works when you want it to and when you don't want it to. But are many of us only wishing we where using the LOA? or just try to believe we are? The reason i am asking, is because we are hearing the term "struggling" too much! Many remarkable Crafter's are saying they believe in themselves and their craft, but are harvesting negative thoughts because of sales. Well, I AM HERE TO TELL YOU TODAY THAT WE ONLY HAVE 20 SALES! YES, YOU HEARD ME CORRECT. 20 SALES, BUT YET WE ARE LEADING A VISION OF THE LOA ON ESTY. Think about, how little we could be?
Nothing could be further from the truth! why? because not only do we believe in our craft and all the crafter's on Etsy, we really do use the LOA, and know. We know, everyday the LOA, is proving itself more and more. We understand, that our time and the time of the universe are completely different. We feel our wealth, success and love for our craft, and we apply the SMALL things, as reassurance and proof. We started the LOA on Etsy, 2 days ago, and have received dozens of positive responses to our idea. We have instantly made new friends, have our families interest, and watched our blog and website receive a ton of hits. WE ARE THANKFUL! and this turns our mere 20 sales, into the feeling of 20,000. It really works! And since crafting is an emotional expression, is not receiving emotional responses the LOA RIGHT THERE!
Sales? Money? It's coming, and it comes. We have a small store in PA, and costumers from our website and community. We know our family, friends and team support us, and we KNOW THE UNIVERSE, AND THE LOA, GOD AND OUR NEWEST DEFINITION,
CHRISTMAS IN THE HEART are all in existence to give us unlimited abundance and wealth. Wealth of the heart as well as from sales. You see, Rhonda Byrne, describes it best in her book The Secret the POWER, "Whenever your feeling is in conflict with your wish, feeling will be the victor."  This is exactly what I am talking about when asking if you are just thinking you believe. You need to feel! And there is no better why to feel something then to have as many people with the same positive felling surround you. THIS MAKES IT EASY FOR THE UNIVERSE TO RETURN TO YOU! Why? because so many people are projecting the same thing, that the universe can hear it a whole lot louder, that's why!
Everything comes to us through the most elemental law of physics - Like Attracts Like! Like Attracts. Like us today! because we like you!

Watch the LOA

Make your craft with true expression, list your creation and you can leave all the details to the universe. Let the Universe figure out the method of delivery, when you will receive sales and more interaction. The LOA, can't be denied if you insist on principles All you have to do is Allow It. Sounds easy, right? But this can be the most difficult part of the LOA process, because you need to be doubt-free, and sometimes it is hard because of so many people on Etsy, but if you understand, that having so many people here IS THE GOOD NEWS, you can start to interact with their energy.

All you need to do is expect it,
Act like you already have it,
Be grateful.

Watch the LOA energy work in order to gain a grasp. One way to see the LOA in action is by following others and when you return, you notice others following you. There is a simple method here. If we all used the LOA on Etsy, we would be an unstoppable force

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Push the other guy!

Push the other guy!
In every universal law, from every inspired teacher, comes on belief that is agreed by all.
This belief of give and you shall receive, is burnt into the law of the universe, religion and love.
Etsy, is a perfect place to exercise this law. We have every opportunity to give acknowledgement to the next guy...and should. At first, I was like most on the sight. I did not think it was necessary to use some of the tools that where there for me to use. But as we where struck by the LOA, we realized that there was no reason to think that pushing the next persons craft would take attention from our store.
In fact, I realized we where violating some of the most basic Law's of the LOA. I now call it selfishness by default.(or being lazy, r you being lazy toward success?) By not noticing and using these tools to support and help others, we where not using the principles of every single cosmic science. We where not giving to receive as best we could, we where not spreading the word, and most of all we where being ignorant. Ignorance, is evil, and it is perhaps the single most quickest destroyer of the LOA, and a successful mindset.
You have to bring the universe of people into your life, to expand your own.
The more people we bring into our energy and flow, the more the flow goes. Sounds simple? Then why are we not spending time each day making favorites, joining teams, sharing on forms and sending our friends and family to purchase the great things we see here on Etsy?
In the world of success and mastering the LOA, ignorance, has no place. Many people use ignorance as a feel sorry, by simple saying "I didn't know". But ever system, such as LAW IT SELF, proclaims that ignorance is not an answer, the "I did not know" excuse is only damaging you, because it's not part of creative energy, and that is what crafting and the LOA, is all about, CREATIVE ENERGY!
We need to join hands with as many inspired people as we can, push their sales and worry least about ourselves, because we are practicing the best format possible for success, and that is give and you shall receive. Ask your fellow crafter to refer you, but only after you referred them. Get the pictures of everything you like, your family likes or even if you think someone else would like moving. Put the other persons stuff out there, connected them to you and watch the magic.

LOA and Etsy

I have long read and studied the Law of Attraction. In fact, I have read dozens of books that teach how to accept the power of our universe. Having thought all my knowledge was practiced, it wasn't until now, did I realize how our cheer tree and crafting, is one of the best ways to practice these cosmic truths. Finally, after understanding that so many people endure the same evolution of their craft and reach a test of faith, as to why they continue to pursue it, I know why! 
This faith is reveled in so many ways. From the person who works part-time to the one who works day and night, crafters all hold one thing in common... They BELIEVE.
They believe better then most, and this is what makes them special, and provides the perfect setting to be rewarded through the LAO.
Crafter's, exercise belief, and this belief comes with deep emotion, and these 2 qualities, are a huge importance in the LOA. What is even more inspiring, is when someone makes a craft, sells it and continues crafting another, that is the LOA, in it's full power right there!
You inspired, you gave and you received.
You manifested something through you expressions and the LOA.

I want to explain the AWESOME process that took place in your life, for most of us are not paying attention to this amazing process that can only be practiced by those MAKING SOMETHING THAT THEY WANT TO EXPRESS, and that is your soul inspired craft.
Look at what happened:
1. You made your craft with heart felt MOTIVATION
2. You put your craft on Etsy, for all to see.
3 .People where attracted to it, and here is where the magic begins.
even if you have just sold one item on Esty, you still experienced this process, and that means you can do it time and time again! why? because this is how the LOA works. You put your thought into the universe, but with the already needed faith, and emotion. This is necessary for the Law of Attraction to work at maximum speed, and YOU, already did it. Many people battle with understanding this part of the LOA, but crafter's already breached the part of belief, and this is a special thing.
When you grasp this and understand, you can use this motivation to increase your understanding of the LAO, when applied to crafting. You can begin to nurture the most positive affirmations as to why to continue your quest and begin to solidify your correct relationship with your spirit and the universe that wants to make you succeed.

LAW OF ATTRACTION in your craft

 The LAW OF ATTRACTION in your craft

Some people might think this is a lot easier to read about than actually put into practice, but it really is easy to do. Just join hands, and let it flow.
Understand that your true life vision probably has something to do with the crafts you make or sell., and it is up to you to spread it.

Look at the things that you make, the colors you use and the extra time you put into doing it BEACUSE YOU WANT OTHERS TO HAVE NO QUESTION, THAT YOUR CRAFT IS CREATED WITH EMOTION. IT IS about you and what you think and dream about. What kind of life or career do you imagine yourself having through your Crafts? You already have it and that is THE ABILTY TO EXPRESS YOUR LOVE, and LOVE brings SUCCESS.

 Sometimes you might hear that you are being foolish and silly for spending so much time on your craft. Never let these negative words and people influence you into abandoning your quest for your expressional purpose. The Universe wants to help you and will provide you with the strength and wisdom you must have to succeed. You CAN do it, because you are a positive part of the Universe, and everybody here can be used to help you!

You don't have to quit work, toss away savings and relationships and climb to the top of a mountain peak. Just craft, and show it to the world.. If you have the courage to follow your heart and desires you can begin this quest today, and sell your craft. Right here, right now.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Use during meditation, yoga or emotional healing.

Color Therapy- Is a holistic and non-invasive therapy that involves use of colors for treating various physical ailments and emotional disturbances. Color Therapy uses a set of principles to create harmonious color and color combinations for healing. Using colors for meditation, and expression can provide a dynamic emotion to your life.
HUG THERAPY- Hugging is emotional intelligence. It is kindness, warmth, tenderness, support, healing, security,and most of all true belonging. Hugging is healthy. It helps the body's immune system, it keeps you healthier, it cures depression, it reduces stress, it's invigorating. Hugging is nothing less than a miracle.
The Cheer Tree-  Crafted with pure inspirations from the positive, proven effects of tree hugging and
colors that influence the healing flow of energy in our bodies.

Use during meditation, yoga or emotional healing.

Perfect housewarming gift, decoration, get well or positive energy exchange, the cheer tree is
a most inspiring craft. Each color has the ability to invoke wonderful effects on positive emotions, and it is the crafters vision of how trees, interact with our energy and spirit. The circles indicate LOVE, and gently offset the power color, to neutralize. This keeps the positive effects of the color, and avoids overdoes. Using the solid side of the cheer tree in meditation, can help stimulate the appropriate Chakra, and tune the emotions. All cheer tree's are crafted for hugging! Hug it like it was a real tree, because hugging brings you to center and reminds us of the simplicity of love.

2nd Chakra Orange crush

2nd Chakra Orange crush cheer tree, is ready for the squeeze! Go ahead and hug it, to use the color orange to open your mind to stimulating ideas, and instill the feeling of excitement about your quests, because Orange is good for the pulse rate. Many people lack the power of the color orange in their homes and clothes. It's not often we are sporting orange ties, dress or bright orange hats. This is fine, because you don't need too much of the color, but you should use some, if you want to avoid being over sensitive or grow shyness.
Orange, works well with worry, by soothing some thoughts and radiating the thought of self esteem.
Too little orange and we become frigid, distrustful, timid or shy, and overly sensitive. We lose our motivation, our self esteem begins looking for this color for energy.
The Orange Crush Cheer Tree, can inspire  joy, and by adding some tight hugging promotes a general sense of wellness.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Our dynamics of love

Knock on wood? or hug it?
Our family, (God bless) has been together in the USA, for 5 years now. Our family thrives on the acceptance of several ancient dynamics and of course God. We have not had to use a hospital or the medical system for anything other then mandatory issues such as physicals and school requirements. This is not luck, because luck is weak compared to what we have. This is divine!
Our family is made up of gifted people, who each excel in one or another area of cosmic blessing.
My wife, having grown up in the beautiful but testing mountains of Colombia, brings a life long understanding of cosmic energy, holistic health and healing to the family. Her roots include a true blood line to some amazing shamanism and spiritual practice. Our daughter, is blessed with the understanding of both Christianity and cosmic values. As for myself, I have recently received an honorary Doctorates degree for my study and knowledge in holistic nutrition and metaphysical science. I am certified in teaching the law of attraction, and have many years of practical study and research of metaphysical sciences. .
We use holistic nutrition, health tonics and soups, meditation, hugs, color therapy and THE CHEER TREE for health...and it works!
What I want to share with the world today is exactly that. TODAY. Today is now, and now is different then any other now, there ever was. It can be compared to a time when amazing feats in universal connection and interaction with cosmic energies changed life, love and even how God interacted with mankind. I know we have heard it all before, and have also been stretched in an over abundance of so called new age knowledge. But one thing is for sure, what has and is happening will be happening for the last time in many of our lives.
The dynamics of love have long been interacting with your DNA, cells, emotion and way of thinking since we where a seed in our Mothers womb. Today, at this very moment, that teaching, or code, that is etched forever in our DNA, has matched up with the energies of the universe. .
Together we can all explain, support and guild us through the new. We can perfect the laws, the love and churn the knowing. We can find rather then seek, but seek because it's fun, and healthy. We can finish what WE started, before the watchers interrupted. Be it the teachings of Joshua, Mohammad, Buddha, Martian Luther King, Gandhi, and countless others, they all agree on one truth, and that is that there is something inside of each and everyone of use that gives us a life and connection that we could not write about in a million years, or express in any absolute way. It is called a kingdom, and we don't just have a key, we are the locksmith, we are the makers of the key.
It's open...come on in!

Christmas RED cheer tree.

Red is a symbol of self awareness. Red gives power and energy on all levels. The positive meaning of the red chakra color includes strength of the will, security, courage and pioneering.
The Red cheer tree is the original craft. Much like the root chakra, it is the base of the cheer tree hugger pillow.

Christmas Red cheer tree, received it's honorary place in the halls of Christmas decorations this year.
However, we are in hopes, she wasn't put away to return for only one moth a year, no, no!
The great power of the color Red, is a symbol of self awareness. The Christmas Red cheer tree gives power and energy on all levels.
It is Christmas, in the heart! The positive meaning of the red chakra color includes strength of the will, spirit security, and courage. the color red awakens our physical life force. It is a color that can stimulate a deeper and more intimate passion within us. A perfect first glance and morning hugger, it's the perfect addition the year round idea of having Christmas, in the heart year round.

Purity white cheer tree


White is a color of protection and encouragement.


Offering a sense of peace and calm, comfort and hope, helping, white , creates a sense of order and efficiency.
White offers an inner cleansing and purifying of your thoughts, emotions and, ultimately, your spirit, refreshing and strengthening your entire energy system.
Purity White cheer tree, signifies an inner cleansing and purifying of your thoughts, emotions and, spirit,working directly on your entire energy system.
 The "hugger" pillow, works by applying the correct color frequency, and can be very beneficial in clearing and restoring the senses to proper functioning frequency.  

Dora and me have long recognized the power of color therapy to influence the body and the psyche, it helps the set your surroundings for great meditation and helps influence the law of love and attraction by providing a link to positive thinking and feeling.

The healing power of trees

Trees act as pillars that stretched from earth to sky, into the realm of the spirit.

The healing power of trees, are being noticed again. For in our past, Trees where always a part of spirit connection and they are the first, most direct communicator to the universe. Trees, are like antennas, and contain billions of sensitive star reading receptors. Trees, have bared witness to all the doing's of mankind, and can act as neutralizers of unformed energy, to create positive vibrations in both the day and night. I can remember a time when tree hugging and the talk about tress, where simply dismissed amongst most ear's. Now, in the light of 2012, and the new age movements, trees and their amazing effect are taking center stage. Both me and my wife, have always embraced the ability of trees. They do so many things for the spirit and well being. Many people do not even notice, that when they are upset or recovering from trauma, they are seeking the sights of trees for comfort. To me, the term "getting some fresh air", is just a way for one to say, "I am going to step outside, look and listen to the trees". Although many do not notice, you can observe this with little effort. In car's, airplanes, and when walking outside, use your concentration, and pay attention to what the people around you are doing. You will notice that everyone at some point practices a gazing, a looking and absorbing of the nature around them. This is our natural instinct, to look at and know the beauty and vibration that are being given off by trees. Hugging trees, used to be something weird, or reserved for those with a "hippy" attitude. But in countries like Colombia, where Dora lived, interaction with trees, hugging trees, and practicing a real connection with trees, is a common and accepted practice.
People with higher focus on consciousness, have no problem knowing that interacting with trees, can provide a rewarding spiritual experience. Hugging Tree's, is like taking a dry bath that rids one of negative energy. trees represent the ultimate transformation of life after struggle. Starting as a desperate seed, they grow to be a most  integral part of the universe, and become instrumental in the helping of mankind. Through giving life bearing oxygen, to absorbing and converting toxins that are harmful to humans, trees are the masters of the renewal process. The same why the can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, is the same why they can convert your painful negatives into positive vibration. Hugging trees, are not a laughing matter anymore, it is an intelligent use of the universe and a loving practice. And the more we give love, the more we receive love, and that's intelligence!

Vist  to order cheer trees

Purple Chakra

Purple chakra cheer tree
Purple is a good color to use in meditation, and it represents the crown chakra.

Purple is the symbol of royalty and wealth. But why do the words royalty and wealth have to mean what is most assioiated? Can't we think in terms of royalty in ourselfs, which would mean close to holyness.  We should look to the meaning in words that apply to our seeking. We should do the same with color. So wealth, in our seek should mean spirtual and the great wealth of knowledge that's available for us, through our way of seeking it. And if you embrace wealth so shall it you.

Purple is powerful with it's connection to the creator and the energies of the universe, and with the divine.


connecting with the cheer tree

You don't have to buy a cheer tree, to use the principles of the cheer tree. The cheer tree is anyplace you can capture the divine power of hugs, color and love. It was planted by our family, many years ago, and is a distant cousin of sacred trees such as the tree of life. It is an expression of cheer.
A place of finding your connection again to the amazing principles of inner self, cosmic knowledge, meditation and family. We use the cheer tree, as a place we can go in meditation, or as a thought on a warm sunny day, or even a crisp cool night. By using this thought process, our family actually seeks the meaning of cheer, and cheer is best summed up as embracing the wonderful universe and the way it communicates with you, and pours out riches of love, life and spirit, that turn your life into a vibrating orchestra of peace and understanding. I have watched how it aids the family and has grown as a useful psychological and spiritual tool.

Using the cheer tree craft

Aside from a get well or positive energy exchange, the cheer tree can be a great tool of emotion.
Each color represents a powerful statement. These colors can help calm or energize moods, express or radiate principles, or just decorate a certain part of one's room with its cuteness. The dominate color, is eventually interwoven with the circles of all colors, and circles of color represent love. This also aids in assuring that a color can not reach it's negative affect zone. It also, acts the same as hugging a real tree, by radiating positivity.
Most of all, it is a hugger! an inspired craft that wants to remind us of the positive effects of the most simply gifts in life we have to use for health, wealth and success. Hugging, colors and meditation.
You can use the cheer tree, between your lap during meditation, give it as hug therapy to a friend, or send it to someone as a way to cheer up their day. The cheer tree is for everyone, and so are the principles. We combine this with the laws of attraction, love and prayer, to constantly reach new heights in our relationship with God, life and the universe. Plant your cheer tree, in your heart, and watch it grow!

A great pre and post meditation tool.

Cooling bebe blue

Blue relates to spirituality and psychic ability.
Someone with a lot of blue in their aura likely is comfortable spending time searching their spiritual matters.In the remarkable word of meditation, blue, is connected to the throat chakra.
It provides a cooling effect and timeless expression.
Working with the throat chakra and the color blue can help us express ourselves peacefully and truthfully. The bebe blue cheer tree, can be a great addition to your awakening mind set.

 Soft blues, like the bebe blue cheer tree will calm the mind and aid concentration.

Yellow Sun cheer tree

Yellow will lift our spirits and our self-esteem;
it is the color of confidence and optimism. The solar plexus can be imagined as our own personal sun.
When awakened, you will know why it is our Power Chakra.
Driving for control, competence and success to fortify the ego, but with truth,

and this is a most amazing concept.
Yellow is said to encourage positive, empowered thinking and link us to our creativity, well-being, pleasure and abundance.  A great addition to your self energy collection or pre-meditation.
Yellow Sun cheer tree, aids organization, and understanding of different points of view.

COLOR THERAPY- Yellow builds self-confidence and encourages optimism.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Spring fever cheer trees

Spring fever is a term applied to several sets of physical and psychological symptoms associated with the arrival of spring. In general it refers to an increase in energy & vitality.

Embracing the energy that returns each March, is a great opportunity to thrust forward our spiritual practices. It is an energy of renewal and growth, and the re-birth of the Sun's interaction with nature, plants and life. The soils begin to warm and life begins growing. The colors of the plants and trees, begin to change toward a most healing message. A message of the coming colors, sounds and sights that will soon flourish amongst the new, warm spring air. This is a great time to use colors that interact with the seasons bliss. The energy will be grand, as trees,plants and water are given new life.
Take advantage, it's all there for YOU!

The spring fever cheer tree pack, features Bebe blue, Rose garden and Sunny yellow.
The perfect additions to spring decor and the best colors to enhance your spring spirit.