
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Say it is true with Red

Christmas Red Cheer Tree

Magic is knowledge, and Red can fuel it's vital force.  It REVS up your doing motions.
Red, can be used on the day's or nights that you need to make sure you get something done. It is a great color to end procrastination, and do things with a statement. You can get inspired through many colors, But Red is best used when you have a set plan. Use your Sun yellow Cheer Tree to gain confidence, and replace it with red, to help carry out your ideas. Give a Red Cheer tree, to say I love you, and I mean it. The Christmas Red Cheer Tree, will not let you down. The color, is well known for instantly uniting feelings, and providing motivation to these feelings. Be aware of Red's ability to inspire sexual energy, and be ready to address these drives. If it's wrong place and wrong time, quickly change the mood to BEBE BLUE CHEER TREE, near some light Green color, and the setting will cool.
Red, is the Root Chakra, and can be used for grounding, understanding survival instincts, and strengthening vitality, money and karma in one's life.
Of course, Christmas red Cheer tree,  gained fame this Christmas, but for those who know the Cheer Tree Meanings... it's always Christmas in the heart!


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

power and control

It can denote mystery, but it is a color of power.
Black implies self-control and discipline, is this your night for independence and a strong will? Are you in need of giving an impression of authority and power?
Then grab your Mystic black cheer tree, and Hug! display it where you will be ...
and let the color give you some power and control.
Carry the Mystic Black Cheer Tree with you to protect you from harm and negativity when traveling or when going about your usual daily activities outside your home.

P.S. Black implies self-control and discipline, so keep your focus!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Like Away

Crafting with the LOA

When you like something, this is nothing more than the Law of Attraction.
No one lives beyond this Law. It is an unquestionable law of the universe. It's not religion, and it's different then science. It can be argued it's mathematics, but it's not. Maybe it's music? close,
but it's simply real truth.
When you like something created by others,
it effects cells, emotions and energy in your body.
You liked it, because it said something to you, or maybe it made you smile. Whatever it did, you acknowledge it, and this is a great way to get connected with your mastery of the LOA. You are witnessing the Like attracts like process, and more then LIKELY, people are liking you back. This is the invisible energy, that you should learn to be a part of. The energy that is the very part of The law of Attraction. You may never physically meet that person whom craft's you admired, but you exercised a connection that dose not need to be physical, and exercise leads to better health and all kinds of positive outcomes. EXERCISE YOUR LIKE!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Personal action your craft!

ACT, and you become part of the movie.

Start acting as if you are in complete control of your success on-line.

You don't have to feel like doing it, but once you start doing it . . .
eventually you'll start feeling like it.

Do not focus on your feelings -- focus on your actions.
Your feelings are already expressed in your craft.
When you start acting a certain way, your feelings will change and your felling for selling your craft, will soon match the one's when making your craft,
and that's the idea to attach yourself to the Law of Attraction.


Personal action your craft!
Start acting energized. start making favorites, join teams and even re-do your sight on Esty.

This way your action, not only precedes the feeling but actually produces the feeling.

DON'T DENY IT, You work directly in this universe and it works directly for you.

Friday, March 8, 2013

The LOA, works all the time every second on Etsy

With our thoughts, we make our world."  This is part of the LOA.
That means that crafting, is an extension of our thoughts, and what makes it even more powerful, is that we apply emotion, and that is vibration, and vibrations are signals. Signals, that have the potential to manifest your desires for success through your thoughts.(Your Craft)
What I am noticing, is many are not giving enough energy to their craft, after it is made. They may think they are, but they are not. We manifest our desires by what we concentrate on all day. Are you concentrating on your craft all day? Are you following the Laws of Attraction, after you do step 1?
We know step one is to create, and form your emotions within your craft. But this is where many stop. Some say it's because they don't feel others will connect to the craft. Others say they don't feel confident, and even more say that don't know how to list on Etsy, or market their craft. This is using the Law of Attraction, right there! You made something and you sent the signal to the world, but your signal was those thoughts of defeat. You just used the LOA, for NOT HAVING SUCCESS!

In any science of being great or using cosmic laws, you will be taught that in this world, there is no discrimination. There is no judging, and there are no limits.
By not developing and listing your craft, (Even if you have only the slightest desire) is leaving an energy, un-managed, to work with the LOA.


The LOA, works all the time every second, even for those who say they don't believe.
If you are sending emotional messages of any kind, you are going to get a response of exactly what you sent. Sure, some can say they only craft for hobby, or it just makes them feel good, and this is fine. But the minute you decide to embark on showing your creation to the world, you enter a world of these powerful energy laws.
You can never stop seeing your desire. If your desire is part-time, with part-time sales, then make sure you express that. Never "wait to get lucky," or put something on with hope.
Write about your craft, and tell the world what it does and what it means. Never fell like the small guy. There are many power sellers on Etsy, and it's easy to get intimidated. But all these powerhouse's started with a vision, and you should love, the fact that they are succeeding, not feel overwhelmed.  You should join with these gifted people, and share on their wave.
They are exercising the Law of Attraction, whether they know or not, and I am sure most know.
There is an endless amount of opportunity to grab your share, you just have to KNOW,
KNOW THAT YOU ARE ENTITLED TO THE SAME RESULTS AS THEM, and they are entitled to even more success. Give that feeling, want that feeling and live that feeling. Give the big YOU GO! to everyone, and keep your visions in the center of that, and you will be on the LOA, for what you should be... SUCCESS!

Creating, is a force

The idea of success for most people, is money, property or possessions.
What is so magical in those who make crafts, is that this is not true. Of course, everybody wants riches from their hard work, but crafters are a special breed. Crafter's, are creators, and all the secrets to success lay in creation. Creating, is a force that is best used when you are making something you love or feel inspired to do. Crafters, naturally inherit this magic, and already set a table of success, that could take years for others to understand. Your creations of craft, contain instant potential, and this is what most of us love about putting our crafts on Etsy, or other platforms. We love the knowing, that while we go about our day, others are being influenced by our expression.  Even if we are not getting sales, we are in the mix. Being in this mix of creativity brings an energy to our life that many have searched for in their life.
People love their crafts, and they love what others have made. Some of us may not notice that this is an amazing power to be part of. This power is the exact steps necessary to achieve maximum results with the Law of Attraction, getting "rich" and what most achievement seminars would teach.
In order to gain the rewards of success, wealth or acknowledgment, one would need to first scream out..."HERE I AM WORLD, AND THIS IS WHO I AM!"  And what better way to do then then through your craft!

written by Mike Long

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Improve the flow of LOA

Improving the flow-

One amazing teaching of the LOA, regarding sales and money, is learning to use the small stuff. When we are not applying the LOA, we are letting this small, but powerful opportunities to grab the flow- pass us by. One of my personal favorites of the LOA, is simply looking for improvement.
The slightest improvements are EFFECTS.
(Effects are emotions, and emotion speeds the Law of Attraction) 
This is what I call... TREMORS OF SUCCESS. The tiniest improvements are the cracks in the armor of negativity. They are waves to ride and always worth your notice. In fact, you should be making daily affirmation lists to read weekly. At the end of each week, you will notice an upward climb, because everyday you are showing yourself the facts of success.
If you get one favorite, or one follow... Cheer about it! If you get one sale or 100, let the feeling of both be equal. This is the secret! And by doing so, you are training yourself to harvest a vortex of amazing energy, a thought process of success, and the harvest, of the good feelings about your craft, that you have been looking for. It may sound silly to think that 1 sale can feel like 100, but if you are the master, of training your mind to respond equal, it won't be funny when that feeling begins to carry over in all that you do in life, IT WILL BE AMAZING! 
And once you obtain this felling on a majority bases, you will never want to go back to the living for the "Big sale." Because when you are giving your energy in "hopes" of these big sales, you are missing the whole point of why you craft in the first place!
You craft, for that one sale!
The sale from a person, who was inspired, and felt the expression that you originally wanted to give. REMEMBER?